Hematology Case 7

Presented By Dr Mohammad Moharram

Released on 05-09-2019

Patient Data

70 Year Male

Clinical Data

Patient with history of ischemic heart disease (with 2 stents), diabetes mellitus .

Submitted for renal transplant abroad 3 years ago. (on immunosuppresive therapy)

He reported low platelet count in many occasions before.

admitted as a case of uorosepsis; fever, Rigors , generalized body aches, dysurea, uncontrolled urination.

Blood pressure: 105/55. - Heart rate:78

Related Laboratory Results

WBC : 17.9x10^3/uL

HGB: 9.9 g/dL

MCV: 83 fL

MCH: 25 pg

MCHC: 30%

Platelet: 18x10^3/uL

Urine Analysis: Glucose +++ , Protein++, RBC over100, Leukocytes over 100

Glucose: 18.2 mmol/L (R.R.: 2.5-6.4)

BUN: 19.4 mmol/L (R.R.: 2.5-6.4)

Creatinine: 273 mmol/L (R.R.: 55-113)

Na: 126 mmol/L (R.R.: 136-144)

INR: 1.6

APTT: 47 sec (R.R.: 26-41)

K, LDH and UA: Normal

Blood film is requested to exclude pseudothrombocytopnea

Case Picture(s) / Photo(s)

Comment / Findings

Leukocytosis with absolute neutrophilia and absolute eosinophilia.

Neutrophils show shift to left

Most of neutrophils has basophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies ; (Dohle like bodies). They are also seen in the cytoplasm of monocytes and eosinophils

Severe thrombocytopnea. No platelet aggregates. Giant platelets are commonly seen.

Estimated platelet count by blood film: 20x10^3/uL

Final Diagnosis

Picture of septic neutrophilia however May-Hegglin anomaly is suspected.

MYH9 gene mutation work up is recommended.

Additional Note

Patient reported later that he traveled abroad (France) where he was confirmed to have May-Hegglin anomaly.

This Patient is from the same tribe* of patients Case 12 and Case 14 discussed in this atlas.

*Tribe = Arabian Big Family قبيلة