Hematology Case 12

Presented By Dr Mohammad Moharram

Released on 01-05-2019

Patient Data

46 year old Female

Clinical Data

Recurrent Epistaxis (2 times ; Mild & controllable)

Mild to moderate thrombocytopenia in all previous CBC.

Clinician requested blood smear.

Related Laboratory Results

WBC: 4.2X10³/uL

HGB: 11.6 G/dL

MCV: 79 fL MCH: 23 PG

MCHC: 29.1 %

PLATELET: 55X10³/uL.

Bleeding time: 5 min.

PT: 11.5 sec (INR: 1)

APTT: 25 (R.R.: 25-36)

Normal RFT, LFT and fasting Blood sugar

Platelet functions : Not available in our center.

Provisional Diagnosis

Platelet function disorder

Case Picture(s) / Photo(s)

Comment / Findings

Neutrophils show basophilic cytoplasmic inclusions ; resembling Dohle bodies.

Moderate thrombocytopenia; giant platelets are frequantly seen.

Mild microcytic hypochromic anemia with anisocytosis.

Final Diagnosis

Picture is highly suggestive of May-Hegglin anomaly (to be confirmed by molecular study: MYH9 gene mutation)

Additional Note

Patient is advised to be referred to specialized center but she refused.

The case is associated with iron defeciency as confirmed by iron profile.