Quality Assurance
Useful links
Statistics Basics " Statistics How To "
Hint: Useful site for understanding statistics . "Statistics How To has more than 1,000 articles and hundreds of videos for elementary statistics, probability, AP and advanced statistics topics. Looking for a specific topic? Type it into the search box at the top of the page. "
Recommended By Dr Mohamed Abdel Kareem
Westgard QC
Hint: "With our expertise in the fields of clinical laboratory science, quality management, and software engineering, Westgard QC offers a depth and breadth of services that no competitor can match. We develop innovative, client-specific strategies to transform the way our clients get business done in the new world of healthcare laboratories. "
Recommended by Dr Tamer SolimanCLIA: PROFICIENCY TESTING and PT REFERRAL; DOs and DON’Ts (PDF)
Hint: Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) PROFICIENCY TESTING and PT REFERRAL; DOs and DON’Ts. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR LABORATORIES PERFORMING NON-WAIVED TESTS. Frequently Asked Questions about CLIA Requirements for Proficiency Testing (PT) and PT Referral.
Recommended by Dr Tamer SolimanLink: https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/CLIA/Downloads/CLIAbrochure8.pdf
2019: CLIA proposed changes to PT acceptable limits
Hint: New CLIA Proposed Rules for Acceptance Limits for Proficiency Testing. In February 2019, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare issued proposed changes to the CLIA regulations. This is potentially the largest shake-up in US regulations in decades.
Recommended by Dr Tamer SolimanCLIA Requirements for Analytical Quality
Hint: "The tables contain information on CLIA proficiency testing criteria for acceptable analytical performance, as printed in the Federal Register February 28, 1992;57(40):7002-186. These guidelines for acceptable performance can be used as Analytical Quality Requirements in the Westgard QC Design and Planning process."
Recommended by Dr Tamer SolimanpSMILE: Safety - Quality - Results
Hint: "The following SMILE resources are examples to support DAIDS GCLP Guidelines. These examples should be customized based on the laboratory’s protocol requirements and practices". This site is considered a good source for SOPs , Forms , instrument manuals and many important quality issues.
Recommended by Dr Tamer SolimanWHO: Laboratory Quality Stepwise Implementation tool
Hint: This web-based tool provides a stepwise plan to guide medical laboratories towards implementing a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 15189. It was developed by the Royal Tropical Institute for the World Health Organization.
Recommended by Dr Tamer SolimanHint: Discussing CBAHI standards for laboratories, Helping others who have not accredited before, improve the quality in laboratories and blood banks, answering common questions. By Dr Fathia Fathy .
مناقشه معايير سباهي الخاصة بالمختبرات المرجعية أو المختبرات الخاصة والغرض منها مساعده الأخوه الذين لم يسبق لهم الحصول عليها -العمل علي زياده كفاءة الجوده في المختبرات وبنوك الدم -فتح الفرصه لتقديم ماهو جديد في الجوده وذلك بطرح أفكاركم والاستفسارات . فالعقول النيره والمبدعة احق من ان تنشر قدراتها للنفع لوجه الله ولعله عمل صالح. -الالتزام ببعض االتعبيرات الانجليزية لضرورة العمل بها مع تبسيط الشرح لها . -طريقة البحث فى أعلى الصفحة يمين أو الرسائل الاقدم فى أسفل الصفحة يسارHint: Discussing CBAHI standards for laboratories, Helping others who have not accredited before, improve the quality in laboratories and blood banks, answering common questions. By Dr Fathia Fathy .
مناقشه معايير سباهي الخاصة بالمختبرات المرجعية أو المختبرات الخاصة والغرض منها مساعده الأخوه الذين لم يسبق لهم الحصول عليها -العمل علي زياده كفاءة الجوده في المختبرات وبنوك الدم -فتح الفرصه لتقديم ماهو جديد في الجوده وذلك بطرح أفكاركم والاستفسارات . فالعقول النيره والمبدعة احق من ان تنشر قدراتها للنفع لوجه الله ولعله عمل صالح. -الالتزام ببعض االتعبيرات الانجليزية لضرورة العمل بها مع تبسيط الشرح لها . -طريقة البحث فى أعلى الصفحة يمين أو الرسائل الاقدم فى أسفل الصفحة يسارHint: The purpose of this document is to provide standardized management of Point of Care Testing (POCT) devices and procedures throughout the MOH hospital -Jeddah, (KFGH) as recommended by the CBAHI thereby ensuring a cost efficient and clinically effective analytical service. This applies to all POCT devices used as a basis for medical intervention whether purchased, loaned or gifted.