Hematology Case 4

Presented By Dr Mohammad Moharram

Released on 01-05-2019

Patient Data

67 year old , Female

Clinical Data

Recurrent sepsis, admitted in surgery ward to prepare for surgical drainage of gluteal abscess.

History of chest infection few weeks ago. Severe Pallor.

Related Laboratory Results

WBC: 20.4x10³/uL

HGB:6.5 g/dL

MCV: 97 fL

MCH: 29.1 pg

MCHC: 30.1%

Platelet: 122x10³/uL

Reticulocytic count: 11.2%

ESR: 140 mm/Hr

BUN: 12.2 mmol/L (R.R.: 2.5-6.4)

Creatinine: 189 umol/L (R.R.: 37-96)

Total Protein: 107g/L (R.R.:65-81)

“Photos attached are peripheral blood smear photos”

Case Picture(s) / Photo(s)

Peripheral Blood Smear

Bone Marrow Aspirate

Comment / Findings

Peripheral Blood smear: show Plasma Cells (24% by differential Count) Few of Them show dysplastic features (lobulated nucleus in page 2 )

Severe Normocytic Normochromic anemia. RBCs show Rouleaux formation.

Bone Marrow Aspirate: Hypercellular Bone marrow with increased plasma cells (40% by differential count)

Final Diagnosis

Picture is suggestive of Plasma Cell Leukemia

Additional Note

Patient is referred to specialized oncology center. Immunophenotyping confirmed the case as Plasma Cell Leukemia.