Hematology Case 31

Presented By Dr Mohammad Moharram

Released on 06-04-2020

Patient Data

66 year old female

Clinical Data

Fever with chills. Weight loss. Loss of appetite.

No palpable cervical LN. No Organomegally.


Picture of DIC due to sepsis.

Chest X ray: Increased bronchovascular margins, Mild bilateral pleural effusion.

Related Laboratory Results

W.B.C.: 2.87 LOW ABNORMAL 10^3/uL [4-10]


PLATELET COUNT: 12 PANIC X10^3/UL [150-450]

D-DIMMER : 14229 HIGH ABNORMAL ng/mL [0-500]

PT: 23.70 HIGH ABNORMAL SEC [11-15]

INR: 2.08 HIGH ABNORMAL Ratio [0.9-1.2]

AST(SGOT) : 68.80 HIGH ABNORMAL U/L [0-32]


LDH: 984 HIGH ABNORMAL U/L [98-192]

VITAMIN B12: 1592 HIGH ABNORMAL pg/mL [240-900]

FOLATE SERUM: 14.36 NORMAL nmol/L [7-30]

Bone Marrow Aspirate was done (see below)

Case Picture(s) / Photo(s)

Comment / Findings

Hypercellular Bone Marrow with dysplastic features.

Bone marrow blast cells : 7.5%

Increased both erytheroid and myeloid lineages and decreased Megakaryocytes.

Erytheroid lineage shows Binuclearity , nuclear lobulation, nuclear fragmentation, intercytoplasmic bridging, karyorrhexis and megaloblastosis. Relative increase of basophilic and polychromatic normoblasts , many of them show cytoplasmic vacculations.

Myeloid lineage shows increased cell size, increased cytoplasmic granulations, relative decreased of mature neutrophils (hyposegmentation) , cytoplasmic vacculations, karyorrhexis.

Megakaryocytes show relative decrease in number. Some of them are micromegakaryocytes, mononuclear and binuclear

Final Diagnosis

Picture suggestive myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blast for bone marrow iron stain and cytogentic study.

Additional Note

It was decided to refer the patient to higher center for cytogenetic study but unfortunately, patient died 2 days later due to DIC.