Hematology Case 10

Presented By Dr Mohammad Moharram

Released on 01-05-2019

Patient Data

Female Patient 101 y

Clinical Data

DM , Hypertensive , Thyrotoxic Goiter receiving medical treatment on follow up the physician found severe anemia and hyperbilirubinemia.

Related Laboratory Results

WBC: 9.2X10^3/uL

HGB:7.1 g/dL

MCV: 106 fL

MCH:35 pG

MCHC: 33%

Platelet: 185x10^3/uL

Reticulocytic count: 0.7%

RDW(CV): 18.5%

Absolute Retic. Count: 15x10^9/L (R.R.: 50-100)

Direct Bil.: 8 umol/L (R.R.: 1-8)

Total Bil.: 23 umol/L (R.R.: 3-17)

LDH: 457 IU/L (R.R.: 98-192)

Provisional Diagnosis

Megaloblastic anemia Vs Myelodysplastic syndrome.

Case Picture(s) / Photo(s)

Comment / Findings

Severe Macrocytic Normochromic anemia

Peripheral Blood Smear show anisocytosis , poikilocytosis , neutrophil shift to right (hypersegmented neutrophils)

Final Diagnosis

Picture of megaloblastic anemia

Additional Note

Vitamin B12 in serum: 32 pg/mL (R.R.: 180-914)

Folic Acid in serum: 15 nmol/mL (R.R.: 7-45.1)

10 days after Vitamin B12 therapy: HGB: 9.8 g/dL, Reticulocytic Count: 7.2% , MCV: 103 fL, MCH: 32.2 pg.